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Autor Council of the European Union (Brussels)
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Zawęź wyszukiwanie85/368/EEC: Council Decision of 16 July 1985 on the comparability of vocational training qualifications between the Member States of the European Community / Council of the European Union (Brussels)
Tytuł : 85/368/EEC: Council Decision of 16 July 1985 on the comparability of vocational training qualifications between the Member States of the European Community Typ dokumentu: dokument elektroniczny Autorzy: Council of the European Union (Brussels), Wzmianka o wydaniu: 31/07/1985 Wydawca: Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union Rok wydania: 1985 Seria: Official Journal num. L 199 Opis fizyczny: 7 s. Język : Angielski (eng) Kategorie: Kształcenie i szkolenie zawodowe / Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Prawo i polityka publiczna / Law and public policy :Unia Europejska / European Union:Prawo / Law:Decyzje/Decisions85/368/EEC: Council Decision of 16 July 1985 on the comparability of vocational training qualifications between the Member States of the European Community [dokument elektroniczny] / Council of the European Union (Brussels), . - 31/07/1985 . - Publications Office of the European Union, 1985 . - 7 s.. - (Official Journal; L 199) .
Język : Angielski (eng)
Kategorie: Kształcenie i szkolenie zawodowe / Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Prawo i polityka publiczna / Law and public policy :Unia Europejska / European Union:Prawo / Law:Decyzje/DecisionsEgzemplarze
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